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How to Find Out What Your Food Sensitivities Are

Written By North Dover Chiropractic Wellness Centre on May 10, 2021

NutritionWhile many doctors are focusing on disease diagnosis, they far too often forget to look at the impact nutrition plays on your health. This can lead to frustrating symptoms that no one can seem to help you make go away. The solution? Taking steps to discover which foods are giving you problems.

We perform food sensitivity testing at North Dover Chiropractic Wellness Center. Lab nutritional testing can provide the answers you’ve been looking for – and help you find a solution that will put an end to symptoms that are adversely impacting your life.

Inflammation Is the Enemy

So many health issues are triggered by inflammation. Much inflammation is triggered by what we eat--or don’t. For example, if you eat too much red meat, it can lead to gout. If you’re not properly digesting fats, it can lead to obesity, heart disease and other related issues. You could be eating something that you think is healthy for you when actually it’s causing you harm.

We evaluate your food sensitivities via:

  • Micronutrient Testing
  • Hidden Stressors
  • Heavy Metals
  • Gut Microbiome
  • Urine Testing
  • Stool Testing
  • Food Sensitivities

Learning what’s giving you health issues and causing systemic inflammation can spell major relief head to toe. You can say goodbye to inexplicable headaches, infertility, gut & digestive issues, skin issues, brain fog, low energy, and finally start losing weight if you need to.

Serious Nutritional Focus for Serious Health Results

Nutrition is something that’s barely touched upon in medical school. Therefore, it takes extra time and effort on the part of a medical practitioner to understand how nutrition impacts the body. When you find someone who is willing to do this, it’s a blessing.

Dr. Nicole Moseson is fascinated by how food and lifestyle choices affect her patients’ health. Therefore, in addition to studying to become a chiropractor, she’s also a registered nurse and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.

Based on her education, she’s incorporated various nutritional testing options into her practice to create custom treatment plans that will truly benefit her patients in Toms River and all over the country.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Give us a call at (732) 255-8585 or go online and fill out a contact form. We look forward to helping you identify your food sensitivities and restoring your health.

Posted In: Chiropractic Nutritional Counseling Food Sensitivities